Before I post the meat and potatoes I'd just like to say that I have been a hobbyist programmer for 10+ years, I've done some reverse engineering on software (crack me's, writing simple exploits, finding vulnerabilities), basically just saying I'm not stupid. Although apparently I possibly am.
I bought my daughter a vtech v.reader for christmas ( It's a touchscreen ebook reader/game player. It has a 2^20 nand chip, 256mb sdram 166mhz, an sdcard reader, a game cartridge loader, and a built in keyboard.
When I hook it up to my computer I get two drives that show up, the sdcard reader and what's labeled "nand1-2".
I used dd to write every last bit from the nand1-2 drive and assume that's where the firmware is stored. I've shown the file around trying to find some help with it as far as "is this the firmware", "how do i retrieve the firmware", "what architecture is this v.reader using".
Someone pointed me here and said I should inquire about "opening custom containers" I believe. The file I retrieved from the nand chip is called VTECHDUMP. I used an application to mount VTECHDUMP as a filesystem and it contained garbage, but when you view VTECHDUMP in a hex editor it contains data, I just don't know what that data is.
If anyone can help me get to the bottom of this or point me in the right direction in regards to analysis of this file I'd sure apprecitate it.
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