oh no no I have never worked for the idiots of Gamespy (then I live in Italy so we are a bit "distant").
the only "relationship" I had with them was when in the past I reported them various security vulnerabilities I found in their horribly bugged softwares and, as "reward", they sent me a couple of case&desist orders (aka "legal menaces") asking me to remove my research from my website... and after I talked about these actions publicly on a security mailing-list they said some lies about me that I have prooved false releasing all the mails I exchanged with them and showing how they were (and are) incompetents.
the funny effect was that the section of my website dedicated to the research about their algorithms and protocols
http://aluigi.org/papers.htm#distrust is becoming the biggest and unique source of informations on all internet.
the following is the long text I wrote in the 2003: