Luigi Auriemma (ARCHIVE-ONLY FORUM!)
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 Post subject: [err_prot]ERROR: Protocol Mismatch
PostPosted: 31 May 2009 14:22 

Joined: 31 May 2009 14:14
Posts: 2
Im trying to make script that makes fake player in Enemy Territory, im having problems with connect.
I have used q3ts and my connect string is same as when i connect with ET client, but when i try to connect to real server, it gives error
[err_prot]ERROR: Protocol Mismatch Between Client and Server.The server you are attempting to join is running an incompatible version of the game.

My connect string is this
\xff\xff\xff\xffconnect "\\g_password\\none\\Ccl_guid\\*************************\\cl_wwwDownload\\1\\name\\Test\\rate\\25000\\snaps\\20\\cl_anonymous\\0\\cl_punkbuster\\1\\protocol\\84\\qport\\2059\\challenge\\(challenge from getchallenge)"

Any help here?

EDIT: And also it happends when i host my own server and try to enter there so i guess it has nothing to do with versions

 Post subject: Re: [err_prot]ERROR: Protocol Mismatch
PostPosted: 31 May 2009 14:59 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
mah, try to compare your connect string with the one generated by q3fill when you use the -v option.
then have you compressed the packet with the huffman algorithm?

 Post subject: Re: [err_prot]ERROR: Protocol Mismatch
PostPosted: 31 May 2009 18:02 

Joined: 31 May 2009 14:14
Posts: 2
aluigi wrote:
have you compressed the packet with the huffman algorithm?

no, that could be why i get this error. do other games use this algorithm too? just asking for some future stuff

 Post subject: Re: [err_prot]ERROR: Protocol Mismatch
PostPosted: 31 May 2009 18:12 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
the huffman compression on the "connect" packet is used on all the games based on the Quake 3 engine except some jurassik versions (Quake 3 1.1x if I'm not in error) and CoD4

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