This is the output i get from that I will try setting breakpoints at those locations anything specific that should stand out to me so i know its the key?
is this what i should look at
00f340f0 1163 DES permuted choice table (key) [..56]
also what plug-ins do you use to hide the Olly program from things like securerom?
C:\Users\Chris>c:\signsrch\signsrch.exe -F G:\GuJian\Bin\GuJian.exe
Signsrch 0.1.6a
by Luigi Auriemma
optimized search function from Andrew
disassembler engine from Oleh Yuschuk
- open file "G:\GuJian\Bin\GuJian.exe"
- 7282688 bytes allocated
- load signatures
- open file c:\signsrch\signsrch.sig
- 1774060 bytes allocated for the signatures
- 2278 signatures in the database
- start signatures scanning:
offset num description [bits.endian.size]
00c08517 31 Adler CRC32 (0x191b3141) [32.le.1024]
00f311a0 32 Adler CRC32 (0x191b3141) []
00c08521 33 Adler CRC32 (0x01c26a37) [32.le.1024]
00f315a0 34 Adler CRC32 (0x01c26a37) []
00c08536 35 Adler CRC32 (0xb8bc6765) [32.le.1024]
00f319a0 36 Adler CRC32 (0xb8bc6765) []
00c59867 145 SHA256 Hash constant words K (0x428a2f98) [32.le.256]
00c59997 149 Hash constant words K for SHA-384 and SHA-512 [64.le.640]
00c103bb 221 DES odd_parity [..256]
00c59dff 222 DES semi weak keys [..96]
00c104bf 223 DES skb [32.le.2048]
00c0fbbf 225 DES SPR SPtrans [32.le.2048]
00c4a05a 242 EC curve _EC_NIST_PRIME_192_SEED [..20]
00c4a09e 243 EC curve _EC_NIST_PRIME_224_SEED [..20]
00c4a0df 244 EC curve _EC_NIST_PRIME_384_SEED [..20]
00c4a11e 245 EC curve _EC_NIST_PRIME_521_SEED [..20]
00c4a15e 246 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_192V2_SEED [..20]
00c4a19e 247 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_192V3_SEED [..20]
00c4a1db 248 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_239V1_SEED [..20]
00c4a21e 249 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_239V2_SEED [..20]
00c4a25e 250 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_239V3_SEED [..20]
00c4a29e 251 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_256V1_SEED [..20]
00c4a2de 252 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_112R1_SEED [..20]
00c4a31e 253 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_112R2_SEED [..20]
00c4a35f 254 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_128R1_SEED [..20]
00c4a39f 255 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_128R2_SEED [..20]
00c4a409 256 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_160R1_SEED [..20]
00c4a449 257 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_160R2_SEED [..20]
00c4a590 258 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_113R1_SEED [..20]
00c4a5d3 259 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_113R2_SEED [..20]
00c4a613 260 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_131R1_SEED [..20]
00c4a652 261 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_131R2_SEED [..20]
00c4a6be 262 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_163R1_SEED [..20]
00c4a6fe 263 EC curve _EC_NIST_CHAR2_163B_SEED [..20]
00c4a73e 264 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_193R1_SEED [..20]
00c4a77e 265 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_193R2_SEED [..20]
00c4a7eb 266 EC curve _EC_NIST_CHAR2_233B_SEED [..20]
00c4a882 267 EC curve _EC_NIST_CHAR2_283B_SEED [..20]
00c4a8ef 268 EC curve _EC_NIST_CHAR2_409B_SEED [..20]
00c4a95b 269 EC curve _EC_NIST_CHAR2_571B_SEED [..20]
00c4a99b 270 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_163V1_SEED [..20]
00c4a9da 271 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_163V2_SEED [..20]
00c4aa1a 272 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_163V3_SEED [..20]
00c4aa83 273 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_191V1_SEED [..20]
00c4aac6 274 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_191V2_SEED [..20]
00c4ab06 275 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_191V3_SEED [..20]
00c4ab6f 276 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_239V1_SEED [..20]
00c4abb2 277 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_239V2_SEED [..20]
00c4abf2 278 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_239V3_SEED [..20]
00c4ac87 279 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_359V1_SEED [..20]
00c08854 1161 DES initial permutation IP [..64]
00f340f0 1163 DES permuted choice table (key) [..56]
00f34138 1164 DES permuted choice key (table) [..48]
00c0878a 1165 DES S-boxes [..512]
00c5bd91 1188 small prime numbers used in libgcrypt [16.le.1336]
00c5cf57 1312 Generic squared map [32.le.64]
00c5cf53 1313 Generic squared map []
00c1053f 1463 DES2_DS [32.le.128]
00c08863 1556 DES_fp [..64]
00c0873a 1558 DES_p32i [..32]
00409f3a 1767 anti-debug: IsDebuggerPresent [..17]
004114d0 2253 PADDINGXXPADDING [..16]
- 62 signatures found in the file